John Stainer

Year 4 

We follow all the national curriculum subjects –this can be seen on our curriculum map on the curriculum overview page.  We particularly enjoy learning new stories using art and drama to explore characters' actions, motives and feelings.  We are also working hard on our exciting weekly Times Table Challenge. This is to improve the children’s knowledge of times table and to develop quick mental recall of these facts and know their inverse operation.



Our exciting history topic is called ‘Leisure and Entertainment in the 20th Century.’  We learn how the period of 1900-2000 saw the introduction of an extensive range of leisure, recreational and entertainment facilities.  As part of our two week home learning project, children will conduct an interview with a family member or neighbour about how leisure and entertainment has changed for them.  We invited Shiela our lolly pop lady to class and learnt a lot about her experiences during the war.  

We also had a special grandparent visiting from Norway who came to share his experience with the class.

In October, we visited the Museum of London to see how Leisure and Entertainment had changed in the 20th Century, especially how revolutions in technology, fashion, and culture have transformed London.  We saw so many interesting artefacts.  From the amazing 1930s taxi, The Beatles dress, children’s television shows, the red telephone box to the intriguing penny-farthing.  It was a fun-filled day! 

Changes in Fashion Trends in the 20th century

One of London's earliest motorised taxis

In the second half of the term, our Geography topic will be about the ‘Changing faces of London’.  We learn how the industrial revolution changed the face of cities like London.  We also looked at different types of maps to understand the difference between rural and urban areas and to identify different human and physical features.

We also visited the London Transport Museum where the children learnt how the Victorians revolutionised the construction of London's underground railways and helped to build the Tube as we know it today.

We learnt a lot about how transportation has changed over time.

Spring term

 Please refer to our curriculum maps to see what we will be covering in Numeracy and Literacy. We hope the children at this stage are gaining confidence in the Multiplication challenge and will continue the weekly testing which they love!

At the start of the Spring term, our History and Geography topic is The Roman Empire. We study who the Romans were and the impact they had on Britain.  The children particularly enjoy dramatising Boudicca’s revolt and writing letters from different perspectives.


Each term, the children are given a two week home learning project where they design an object based on our History or Geography topic. In the Spring term, they will design a Roman armour.  This is an opportunity for children to become Roman soldiers.  They will design and make their own armour and/or weapon. As a Roman soldier they research whether to be a Legionary soldier, a Standard Bearer or a Centurion.   It is such an engaging activity that the children enjoy explaining their choice and how they made their models to the visitors.

In the Summer term, the children will design a Mayan artefact which ranges from a simple headdress to a more complex Mayan Stele.  Children will research their items so they can explain how they made it during the exhibition.

Summer Term

In the Summer term, the History topic is The Mayans and the Geography topic is the Rainforest.  We usually end the unit with a dress up day where the children come dressed as if they are going to the carnival, They will work in teams and take part in a class quiz.

Educational Visits

 Year 4 visit the British Museum to learn about the Roman invasion, the army, daily life, religion and to find out about the food and drink the Romans consumed.  They will look at objects on display from all over the empire. They range from stone and metal sculptures of emperors and gods to jewellery, silverware pottery and glass, including the famous cameo glass Portland Vase.

 Magic Lantern, will be paying us a visit and using art we will explore the Amazon Rainforest and Mayan Civilisation.  It is an interactive session and the children get to take part as painters or using props to help re-enacting a scene.

 This term we have an exciting first happening.  We have a Maya Archaeologist visiting us.  In this workshop, the children will meet a Real-life Archaeologist and Learn about:

  • The magnificent achievements of the Maya in architecture, art, maths, astronomy, the calendar, writing and chocolate.
  • We will bust some myths about the Maya as there is much inaccuracy.
  • The children will be handling and carrying out historical enquiry with a vast collection of artefact.
  • Information about their Rainforest