John Stainer

Welcome to john stainer community Primary School and Nursery

We are delighted that you have made your way to our website. We hope that you will find the answer to whatever has brought you here. We pride ourselves on our warm and friendly atmosphere and hope that new parents and children will quickly feel part of our school family.

I, the governors, staff, parents and children are all very proud of our school. We are a family orientated community school that fosters a warm and welcoming environment where all children thrive and have the opportunity to exceed their potential through work and play.

Aside from academic success, we pride ourselves in giving our children many opportunities to learn and develop in order to become great citizens in the future.

Visitors comment that our school has a great feel and provides a lovely, supportive and positive environment within which children flourish. Our pupils are well behaved and have a positive attitude towards their learning.

We have high expectations and it is important to us that the children are happy, confident, resilient, safe and enjoy their learning. We ensure that all learning is purposeful and engaging so that our children become highly effective problem solvers and communicators.

We are inclusive and very proud to be a harmonious, richly multi-cultural, inner city primary school with more than 32 languages spoken and more than 34 cultures represented. We were delighted to be graded as outstanding in all areas of our previous and most recent OFSTED inspection. We are not complacent! We have continued to maintain and build on the school’s strengths since this inspection and since my appointment.

Our beautiful new building with our Sensory Room, Well-being Garden and the glass geodesic dome provide a practical 'in between' space where learning can be facilitated and children can enjoy all year round and learn in a really beautiful and exciting environment.

I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher here at John Stainer. The staff and I aim to make each child’s primary school days exciting and rewarding so that they develop a lifelong love of learning. 

If you are not already part of the John Stainer family, I look forward to meeting with you if you are successful in gaining a place at our school. I hope we will forge a strong home and school partnership that will enable your child to make amazing progress, life-long friends and become resilient and highly skilled citizens for the future. 

Shermane Okorodudu


We currently have Reception spaces for September 2024. Please contact us for more information.