John Stainer


At John Stainer, we have a set of policies which cover all aspects of school life.

These include the school’s approach to Teaching and Learning, Parental Engagement, Equalities, the school curriculum and health and safety.

Some of these policies are required by law and we have others because we believe that they are best practice to have. All of our policies are ratified by the Governing Body. Printed copies of each policy may be obtained from the school office.

John Stainer School aims to provide a consistent and safe environment where all pupils will achieve and experience success. John Stainer School aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum in line with the National Curriculum. Staff will ensure that all pupils have equal access, and there will be a commitment, in time and resources to pupils with Special Educational Needs.

Teaching approaches will foster co-operation, autonomy and a questioning approach to learning. Pupils will be taught to value the unique contribution that each child can make to the learning process. Pupils at our school will be educated, attending to their emotional and spiritual well-being as well as their academic education. John Stainer School will work to achieve an effective working partnership with the parents/carers, governors and community to ensure that all pupils benefit from an education of high quality. Targets contained within the school’s aims:

• The staff are a professional team committed to raising standards

• We provide a calm, purposeful and stimulating environment

• We provide a consistent quality of provision, recording and assessing

• We ensure all pupils have equal access and opportunity

• We will provide a broad education of high quality

• We will ensure co-operation between all members of the school community

• Pupils will value themselves and others

• Autonomy will be developed in all pupils

• We will encourage a questioning approach to learning

• We will plan with regard to the emotional, spiritual and educational needs of pupils

• We will provide good quality professional development and support for all staff All staff have the responsibility to ensure implementation of these aims

Click below to see the relevant policies.

The autolist folder POLICIES does not exist or has been moved.

 Pupil Wellbeing and Safety

Show list Show Grid

 Behaviour and relationship

Technology and Acceptable Use

The autolist folder ACCEPTABLE_USE_POLICIES does not exist or has been moved.

 Curriculum and Assessment

The autolist folder TEACHING__LEARNING_AND_ASSESSMENT does not exist or has been moved.



 Human Resources, Facilities and Health and Safety


 Data Protection 

This page was last updated on June 2024