Complaints (and Compliments)
At John Stainer we try our best to ensure that the needs of all our children, parents/carers and staff are met and that our school is a safe and happy place for all. However we do recognise that at times concerns can arise, or mistakes are made and we ask that these are brought to our attention as soon as possible to allow us time to investigate an incident or problem.
Problems sometimes arise from misunderstandings which can be easily addressed. Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child's class teacher or office staff. We believe that when parents/carers and teaching/office staff treat each other with mutual respect and support, this also provides a very good role model for all our children.
Our ultimate aim is to find a way forward together which serves the best interest of both the school and your child.
If you feel you have not been able to resolve an issue, then we have a clear complaints procedure for you to follow. Please note, parent governors do not deal with concerns or complaints by parents, and neither does the Chair of Governors, until the complaints process has been exhausted.
A link to the complaints policy, with the downloadable form to be completed is below.
Please remember, we are also human. If we have provided care, education or a service to your child that you appreciate, we would love to hear from you! These notes or emails mean such a lot to us, we really do appreciate it when we are appreciated!
This page was last updated on 9th September 2023