John Stainer

SATs and test results

Below is a link to the Government's website where you can look at any local or national  schools and see how we do in comparison.

Compare School Performance 

To view our DfE School Performance Tables please click Inspection Data Summary report 2019 

Our  EYFS results 

All schools are required to assess children at different stages of their education, from when they enter school in Reception as a 'baseline' so we know what they already can do, then we observe and assess them at play and in groups throughout the year and score them again at the end of Reception (called EYFS Foundation Stage Profile results). Information for parents about this is here.

Our Phonics 

In Year 1 children are tested on their Phonics knowledge. The pass mark is currently set at 32 out of 40. Children who do not pass are retested in Year 2. Information for parents about the Phonics test is here.

Our KS1 results 

At the end of Year 2, children complete the Key Stage 1 SATS tests. These are paper based tests on reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar and maths. More information about these tests can be found here. 

The KS1 Standard Assessment Tests [SATs] are now non-statutory [from September 2023].  The tests will continue to be available to schools who wish to use them. The DfE recommends that these tests are administered during May 2024 and 2025. ,We will continue to administer the tests for the following reasons:

  • They are a consistent way of measuring outcomes;
  • The tests provide a structured way to assess children’s knowledge and skills in English and Mathematics. This assessment can help to identify [or confirm teachers’ assessment] of areas where children excel and where they may need additional support.
  • They will provide data for school Improvement.
  • The experience of taking tests at KS1 can help prepare children for later stages of formal assessments.


Our Key Stage 2 (Year 6) SATs results

Children continue to be assessed in school against Age Related Expectations in Years 3,4 and 5 (copies of these are given to you as each child starts a new year) and then finally they complete the Key Stage 2 SATs in Year 6. More information about this is here. 

The Government have decided a child will only count successfully towards a school's score if they pass in all three subjects - Reading, Writing and Maths, which is why results can vary year on year with some children missing in perhaps just one subject. 

*KS2 SATS tests were not held in 2020 or 2021

 Whole school data 

The children and staff have worked incredibly hard to achieve the following results, despite being faced with many challenges both locally and nationally. We are very proud of these results. However, we are not complacent! We have continued to build on the school’s strengths and working relentlessly on areas we need to improve on. 

 This pages was last updated in October 2024