John Stainer

John Stainer - The Governing Body

The governors of John Stainer School come from a wide range of backgrounds. Some governors are from the school staff, some are parents, some are appointed by Lewisham Council and others are representatives from our local community.  

The governors work together as a group bringing their own particular experience to support the school and to ensure that the children are getting the best possible education. The school and Governors together have to make important decisions about issues such as the priorities for each year,  the curriculum entitlement the children have, and the budget. Governors act collectively and strategically in the best interests of the school.

The Resources Committee

The Resource Committee monitors income and expenditure to make sure that there is no overspend and that the budget is supporting the curriculum. A plan is made for the next three years to ensure sustainability.

The Resources Committee will oversee:

  • The schools’ finances ensuring that the schools’ operate within the financial regulations of the local authority
  • The maintenance and development of the schools’ site and premises;
  • Ratify the policies and provision relating to financial management, staffing and premises
  • Ensure that all principles of good and fair employment practice are adhered to
  • Monitor community links and community use of the school, and evaluate the schools’ contributions to promoting community cohesion;

The Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee monitors the quality of education, impact and performance. Itensures that John Stainer Primary School is always aiming to achieve the highest possible standards for our pupils' education. The committee oversees:

  • The school’s curriculum is rooted in the solid consensus of the school’s leaders about the knowledge and skills that pupils need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • It is clear what endpoints the curriculum is building towards and what pupils need to know and be able to do to reach those endpoints
  • The school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards its clearly defined endpoints
  • The curriculum reflects the school’s local context by addressing typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills
  • The curriculum remains as broad as possible for as long as possible
  • There is high academic/vocational/technical ambition for all pupils, and the school does not offer disadvantaged pupils or pupils with SEND a reduced curriculum

Link Governors

A link governor is a representative of the board. So their primary job is to hold school leaders to account for how things are going in their specific area of focus.   What a link governor does depends on the specific role but, generally speaking, they'll:  

  • Make monitoring visits to the school, to observe how policies and procedures for their area of concern are implemented
  • Challenge and support the member of staff who's responsible for their particular area or subject
  • Keep the governing board informed about the area they're responsible for, and act as the link between governors and staff
  • Develop knowledge in their specialist area and take part in relevant training
  • Make sure the school has relevant policies in place

Governing Body Structure

Reconstituted 2/11/13





13 governor places

Headteacher                                                                         1

Staff                                                                                       1

Appointed by the London Borough of Lewisham            1

Elected parents of pupils attending the school                4         

Co-opted                                                                               6

CO-CHAIRS OF THE GOVERNING BODY                         Rishi Shukla



  • Resources Committee (Chair: ; Vice-Chair: Mewe Mechese)
  • Curriculum Committee (Chair: Caroline Taunt; Vice Chair:)

Pupil Discipline Committee / Staff Discipline Committee / Staff Discipline Appeal Committee / Pay Appeal Committee / Complaints Committee

These committees meet as and when required, with a minimum of three eligible governors to be drawn from a pool of all members of the Governing Body, subject to availability and lack of conflicts of interest and having regard to the need for the Committee to be balanced in terms of gender and race as far as possible.

Clerk to the Governing Body:  Helen Rutherford c/o Governors’ Services, 2nd Floor, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4RU or Mrs Helen Rutherford, c/o John Stainer Primary School

The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, but as a group, the Governing Body is responsible for the strategic development and decisions. They may be involved in:

  • Appointing staff
  • Agreeing the aims of the National Curriculum and ensuring it is implemented
  • Ensuring the funds are spent properly
  • Deciding what charges should be made for activities outside normal school hours.

The Governors are responsible for overseeing the management of the school’s budget, and to ensure that the money is spent on the areas defined in the School Development Plan.

Click the relevant links below to find out more about our Governing Body.

Register of Business Interests 

Committees and Link Governors  

  Governors' Attendance  

Governors' Service (the last 12 months) 

Parent Governor vacancy

Currently, there are no Parent Governor vacancy. Please click the link below for further details which will be required, when a vacancy arises.

 Parent Governor Advert

Parent Governor Nomination Form

Disqualification criteria

 This page was last reviewed in October 2024