John Stainer


Our staff in Reception Pink are Sophie Finch supported by Anna Cioffi.  Mark Crabtree does PPA cover on a Monday afternoon. In Reception Aqua we have Liz Sho supported by Devina Cooke. Louise O'Mahony does PPA cover on a Monday afternoon.

The Reception class curriculum and planning uses the seven areas of development in the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters (2021) document. 


At the start of the Autumn term the children have a settling in period to support their transition. Fun activities and games are carried out so that the children have the chance to build relationships with their peers and staff members. During this time a baseline assessment is made of the children's abilities within the seven areas of learning and development in the EYFS Development Matters (2021) document. The children engage in daily phonics, Literacy and Mathematics sessions and are always encouraged to write independently, as well as through adult led activities, so that they have a strong foundation to build on as they enter each term as well as the transition into Key Stage 1.


As a school we follow a ‘Talk for Writing’ program which involves learning different tales orally using actions, role play and story maps.  ‘The Little Red Hen’ and ‘The Enormous Turnip’ are covered in the autumn term. It involves dress up days and cooking. It also links to other topics like ‘Senses’ and ‘People Who Help Us’. 


Other events include the Early Years Tea Party at the start of the year. It allows parents/guardians to meet each other and exchange details if desired.  In-class Open Mornings also take place during the term to give family members a chance to see the classroom and the work the children have done in their Learning Journey books. At the end of the term all of the Early Years take part in the ‘Nativity’ play.


During the Spring term the children will continue to engage in daily phonics, Literacy and Mathematics sessions.

Children will continue to practise their name writing daily including their surname if they are ready. They will practise reading and spelling simple words and attempt to write simple sentences using the ‘Everyday Toolkit’:- Capital letters, finger space and full stops.

Math songs, games and tasks take place daily and observations are made of any next steps.  

Adult led activities are carried out weekly, it involves one-one reading, intervention sessions, additional topics which involve science, technology, music, being imaginative and physical development. 

On the run up to Easter they also get the opportunity to watch eggs hatch into chicks.


The Summer term provides more opportunities for the children to dress up, cook and go on school trips, which we are very gratefully supported by parent and carer volunteers. 

The Summer term has many events like Sports Day, Summer Fair and entertaining assemblies.

As the children move towards the end of the term they begin to prepare for their transition into Year 1 by meeting with their new class teachers and begin to engage in activities similar to those that they will be doing in their new class.

The end of term is always celebrated with another concert/Open Afternoon giving the children another opportunity to demonstrate acting and singing skills.